The product “Logitech Optical muis - m325, licht-zilver / zwart, draadloos” with vpn “910-002334” and model number “m235-licht-zilver” from the category “Mice - Wireless” and from the brand “Logitech” comes with 24 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “Logitech Optical muis - m325, licht-zilver / zwart, draadloos” is € 47,95 incl. Sales Tax (€ 39,63 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “Logitech Optical muis - m325, licht-zilver / zwart, draadloos” is “#8018” . This product is added on 12 april 2012 on 12:57 and last updated on 8 nov 2023 on 11:57.
Descriptions 2
Wireless Mouse M325 Light Silver WER Occident Packaging !New May 2011!
van Logitech
Categorie: Input/Output Devices
Subcategorie: Pointing Devices & Whiteboards
Product Type: Mice
A wireless mouse that delivers a better mix of precision and comfort-with designed-for-Web scrolling. Wheel for the Web Say good-bye to the tricky touchpad. Micro-precise scrolling makes everything you love to do online easier. A comfort to many Treat your hand to the comfy, contoured shape and soft rubber grips of the best-selling shape in the world. 18 months of fun With up to 18 months of battery life, it's so hassle free you might just forget it runs on batteries.
Logitech Optical muis - m325, licht-zilver / zwart, draadloos