The product “Seagate harddisk - 2tb, laptop 2,5", sata-300” with vpn “st2000lm015” from the category “Hard Drives 2.5" - sata” comes with 24 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “Seagate harddisk - 2tb, laptop 2,5", sata-300” is € 82,75 incl. Sales Tax (€ 68,39 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “Seagate harddisk - 2tb, laptop 2,5", sata-300” is “#9590” . This product is added on 10 october 2017 on 11:27 and last updated on 6 apr 2024 on 01:30.
Descriptions 2
? Product Name:Seagate 2.5" 2Tb BarraCuda
? Model Number:ST2000LM015
? Package Type:OEM
? Warranty:2 Years
? Series:BarraCuda
? Capacity:2Tb
? Interface:SATA 6 Gb/s
? Enclosure Type:Internal
? Rotational Speed:5400rpm
? Transfer Rates:Up to 140MB/s
? Buffer Size:128Mb
? Operating Shock:2ms 400G
? Non-operating Shock:1ms 1000G
? Temperature Operating:0?C to 60?C
? Temperature Non-operating:-40?C to 70?C
? Product Height:7mm
? Product Length:100.35mm
? Product Width:69.85mm
? Net Weight:90g
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