The product “Display Port (normaal - man) -> HDMI (man), 1,8m, zwart” with vpn “ak3990” from the category “Display Port - Adaptors” and from the brand “Intronics” comes with 12 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “Display Port (normaal - man) -> HDMI (man), 1,8m, zwart” is € 14,95 incl. Sales Tax (€ 12,36 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “Display Port (normaal - man) -> HDMI (man), 1,8m, zwart” is “#9220” . This product is added on 18 march 2016 on 14:52 and last updated on 3 oct 2023 on 10:18.
Descriptions 2
Unique Selling Points
? Om een HDMI kabel aan te sluiten op een DisplayPort ingang.
Technische specificaties
Lengte: 1,80 m
Connector A: DisplayPort male
Connector B: HDMI-A male
Brand: ACT
Supplier productnr.: AK3990
Display Port (normaal - man) -> HDMI (man), 1,8m, zwart