The product “Geluidskabel - Tulp 2x (man) -> Tulp 2x (man), 2m” with vpn “ak2220” from the category “Audio cables” and from the brand “Intronics” comes with 12 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “Geluidskabel - Tulp 2x (man) -> Tulp 2x (man), 2m” is € 13,95 incl. Sales Tax (€ 11,53 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “Geluidskabel - Tulp 2x (man) -> Tulp 2x (man), 2m” is “#9031” . This product is added on 9 november 2015 on 14:01 and last updated on 23 jun 2024 on 13:22.
Descriptions 2
Unique Selling Points
• Hoge kwaliteit.
• Vergulde connectoren.
• Zuurstof vrij koper kabel.
Technische specificaties
Lengte: 2,00 m
Connector A: 2x Tulp male
Connector B: 2x Tulp male
Kleur: Transparant
Kabel: Audio- en videokabel afgeschermd
Brand: Intronics OEM
Supplier productnr.: AK2220
Geluidskabel - Tulp 2x (man) -> Tulp 2x (man), 2m
Price and/or Specifications subject to change - Prices are including VAT
Information is provided as is.
KB Computer Services does not accept any responsibility for incorrect and/or incomplete information provided.