The product “Netsnoer 220v - laptop, met randaarde, zwart, 3m” with vpn “ak5024” from the category “Power Cables 220v” and from the brand “ACT” comes with 12 months warranty and is “not in stock” by KB Computer Services.
The price for a “Netsnoer 220v - laptop, met randaarde, zwart, 3m” is € 6,95 incl. Sales Tax (€ 5,74 excl. Sales Tax).
Some additional charges could apply for shipping this product.
The order code for a “Netsnoer 220v - laptop, met randaarde, zwart, 3m” is “#6931” . This product is added on 15 october 2008 on 11:08 and last updated on 3 oct 2023 on 11:20.
Descriptions 2
Netsnoer 220V aard notebook 3m
Voedingskabels voor alle soorten oplossingen
? Connector A : Schuko connector haaks male
? Connector B : IEC 60320 C5 female
? Kabel : 3x 0,75 mm
? Geschikt voor : 230 V AC/2,50 A
? Kleur : Zwart
Netsnoer 220v - laptop, met randaarde, zwart, 3m